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Kahayla Available 9/1

"Debate has been really important to me since I was about 11. I feel it's a great way to meet others and learn about new things, whether it be political, environmental or totally random. Debate offers such a wide range of topics that you have to learn about and it also gives you great public speaking skills while giving you a competitive edge."

Kahayla stays active through 5 sports and 4 extra curricular activities. She is dedicated to the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) and dreams of becoming a surgeon. She grew up in Anchorage but is related to the Angaiak family of the Southwest.

Favorite Color: Green, blue, pink, black

Favorite Native Food: Blackberry, salmonberry akutaq (Yup'ik ice cream).

Favorite Activities: Biking, snowboarding, rock climbing, volleyball, skiing, debate, National Honor Society, Anchorage Youth Symphony, Anchorage Youth Court

Favorite Cultural Activities: Beading, (especially beading earrings)


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